Wednesday, April 26, 2006
ENTRY : hard to say goodbye-
tuesdaycouldnt meet them in tym in the morning. didnt get our yummy taquitos (?) haha! school was pretty fine ? we had to seat accordingly to exam format alrd >:( but not too bad lahh ? cindy's still sitting beside me ahahs. hmms didn't go down for recess mann. stayed in classroom with jaslyn =) she was being very nyce to hear me out ; nd the reverse. sorry to have let you seen the ugly side of me tearing. but thanks for the chocolates ! hee. brought famous amos to share :DD P.E was fun pls ! we played floorball tgt. i feel bad ): vented my anger on the stick nd resulted in my roughness, hitting ppl's legs. surprisingly i never slept in any lessons today :
didn't attend legion meeting. had macs after school with the usual =) yumyum food. at first felt a little sick but got better that's why i decided to join them. we completed our emath graphs ard ! hehh. met into marmi on the way home, she handed me my vouchers =D one thing to keep me happy for now then. BUT ! i went to look at the bill which recently just came :S nd i've exceeded
greatly.. imagine my position here : 1445 sms nd all :X shocking yet upset, beaten my previous record hehe. marmi was so weirdly nyce though, she didn't reprimand me AT ALL. felt guilty. got to pay, then couldnt be bothered to study anymore so i slept early (x
wednesdayagain. met them in the bus instead ? hahahs. did alot of dumb stuff today in school nd outside :X lol. got to be early tmr ah ! hee okayys. had tuition just now at 201 ? super sleepy o.0 OH THE BUS DRIVER IS EFFING SHITHEAD, eh jaslyn ? hahah. then headed to tamp to change my skirt size nd =) hees. exams nearing very very soon.i don't feel much pressure, so dead.
my emotions gotten the better of me_
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
ENTRY : eye candies.
saturdaywoke daddy up to give me a ride to church in the early morning :\ nd only that day did i realise that he changed his car ? haha i'm
slow. reported nd all with my friends, then went up the buses all the way to jurong where the camp is supposedly held at. we were always at the disadvantage whenever we're the earliest >:( so the usual - guys nd girls seperated dorms lol. we went into the room, stale-smelled place ! lucky one of them brought a spray ahahs. our roommates special, we have
9 girls sleeping in one small room :X had to share bunks. we were then seperated to grps nd i'm with jaslyn, jacq, joanna, natalie, joshua, christopher nd francis this tym round :DD things got boring so we girls played
'truth or dare' (: omgg it's super embarrassing pls. oh had talks nd games all the way till nyte. then the priests gave an interesting talk, a broad topic on --- on various stuff which obviously, turn guys on (?) :\ hahahah. last programme for the day ended with confession nd reflection.
tears. with jaslyn nd joanna, we were tgt alone in the chapel ? it's a pretty place you know =)
sundaytcher kindly helped us purchase chocs nd drinks last nyte before sleep xD ahah. unable to sleep well the whole nyte till about
3am, neither could jaslyn. joanna almost fell on us since we were on the ground ltr on. lols. my snooze alarm wasn't switched off for super many tyms ! hehh, woke everyone up. changed nd washed up for breakfast, clean-ups nd mass. tried to catch a wink but to no avail. on the way back to church in the bus, played
double-prank with natalie since we have the same names ! HAHAH. super funny lahh, fel provided us with her fone =D went madd.
martin : .. hello ?
me : (imitating a sexy voice) helloooo martin..
nat : (enthusiastic ) we've been noticing your butt recently.
me : it's HUGGGEEEE.
nat : it's so sexy ! we feel lyk touching it.
benedict : er hello ?
nat : (sounding very pro) hello. is this mr benedict choo ?
ben : er ya .?
nat : this is calling from the OCBC bank, nd we would like you to know that you have an outstanding balance of $5,487. If you do not make payment soon, we would be sueing you.
ben : errrr..
nat : thank you.
lunched with jaslyn at ljs'. met into many ex-sacians ? yupp. got home nd then went out again with marmi, sister nd cousin. let her sign my progress card alrd )= she didn't say much, made me feel effing bad lah ? i went on telling her about confirmation too. then they decided to go townn :] daddy brought us there nd dropped us off outside lucky plaza so we walked down to wisma first. bought famous amos cookies nd yakitoris. topshop's very nyce ! but she didn't like it very much. nor was forever21 appealing to her. went to fareast since sister went to HARU get her haircut while i continue my search of my
white confirmation clothes. tried this flare-type dress (?) dont look too bad yet she refused to get it for me lol. in the end i dragged her to MANGO nd finally settled for this $
75 long white skirt she liked nd thot that i looked sweet in :S ahahah. i'm now left with the top nd accesories to get. went to look for daddy at his pub so that he'll fetch us home. had sushi for dinner (: yum yumms.
mondaymet them in the morning at interchange :D jaslyn lost her bet so she got to do her dare tmr ! heehees. mondays' are the shortest, ended school early. went tamp with cindy till 3pm before she left to meet someone [: lalas. spend a short while at his house before going home. inside the cab, a silly conversation occurred.
driver (after i mumbled my address) : yao jiang hua yu.. deng yi xia uncle ting bu dong..
me : okay okays.
driver : wahh. wei she mo ta mei song ni hui jia ? na ge shi ni de laogong ah ?
me : huh.. orh mei you. bu shi lahh hahahs.
driver : bu shi laogong shi ni de xiao di meh ? na li ke neng shi. haha..
me : (lol)
driver : ta hai hui na yu shan bang ni gai yu lehh. bu shi laogong shi sui ?
me : =)
walked a while in the rain. had thoughts in my head. i kept thinking about many stuff ? i'm sad. very sad nd depressed lah. don't know really why nd i don't know what i should do. i'm a stupid girl. i have no future for sure. i wanna scream it all out. but no, i will keep to myself. i'll still smile, though it may be weak. being alone in my room. i'm hurt. -broke down.
it's miserable to know that the truth always hurts.
Friday, April 21, 2006
ENTRY : give it up-
there's this partial feeling in me that says :
you've just let go of a moment of chance so easily without effort.
this chance which could be much better.i kind of regret whatever i do. most of the tyms.
sighs sighs sighs.
=) okayy forget it lah naat ! move on girl - that's what i'd do.
had macs after lessons with jaslyn nd geraldine :DD yummy yums. there'd be camp retreat from tmr to sunday afternoon all the way at JURONG hahah >:( effing bad pls. i have no more tym to study alrd. sheesh !
ENTRY : pick me the star.
it's a friday morning ! ahahs. i'm still
awake :\ music always replaying : shan hu hai & feng. can't do my homeworks since i've
left them in school. dumbdumbs. shall msg darling soon.
monday passed quickly (: ISOLOVE mondays. went ws nd met with jaslyn, jayne nd melody. we ate nd did pure chemistry hwork only >:( jayne nd melody left earlier, leaving the both of us by ourselves. then HAHAH. there were these 3 guys who purposely sat beside our table nd crapped nonsense ? but funny lah. lol the guy even said
'bye'. hahahh.
didn't go for legion meeting on tuesday so went to darling's house x) hees. nd wednesday was out at tamp HAN'S snacking nd studying with shir (: we had quite a nyce tym there ? but food were so-very-tempting pls ! lucky we managed to ignore. anyhoo, it's cindy's 1st mth with her guy ! hehh, happy anniversary, girlfriend
thursday was hectic ?
3 different sciences again. nd i detest p.chem nd biology >:O i don't understand much ! what's with the tchers nd their weirdd method of teaching ? i was even half-sleeping during the lessons. reminding us that we have 4 days to study during weekend does not include me nd jaslyn alryte ? WE HAVE THIS SILLY CAMP RETREAT FOR 2 DAYS. there isn't much tym for us to study, sighs. rained in the afternoon, we went to our usual ws macs =) lots of homework to hand in today as well, but my stuff are all left in sch :X i'm gnna be shit ahahs.
these few days have been quite badd ya ?
my ex so randomly msged but i never replied -im totally put off by
him. yucks. then i might have made ____ think wrongly. ____ doesn't seem to realise that i'm alrd attached ? ahaha. ____ is a ----- ------- lol. ____ is nyce actually. but i won't be a two-timer bytch as to go with ____. i don't even know ____ pls.
so ben ah, this is to let you know kaes ? hehsmarmi was nyce to me today ? surprisingly awkward de. anyhoo, i haven't shown her the progress card so yeahh. lol ! she will be
super blackface after that. so i'm like in deep thoughts now ? there's so little tym, so much to do. unsure which subject to start revising. unsure of my study plans. unsure whether marmi would still get for me my confirmation white dress. unsure if my hfone bills may get me into trouble. unsure.. FORGET IT MANN. i'll just die =(
meeting them in the early morning ltr :DD OH. realised we've been having macs for so many many days alrd ! hahas. shakerfries are just effing nyce [: yum yumms. hmm gnna grab some snack from 7eleven soon.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
ENTRY : choices.
HAPPY EASTER :) !late for church nd goodness me, it was superr crowded lah ? everyone pushed lyk nobody's business >:( then we went for amath tuition, after which we (jaslyn, chu wen, vanessa, me) headed to the malls while syy went home to sleep. tried to find nyce white clothes for
1st May's confirmation but there wasnt any suitable there ? i'm gnna try bugis nd fareast ! hees. so we ate at ljs nd walked around as well. shir called me nd she was at tm too ahahs. wonder how she's doing.
was raining heavily alrd though. but went to darling's house again :DD his family was at home too. watched teevee ! if i got home instead, don't think i woud have the mood to watch anything :\ okay my dressing was abit out-of-hand today i suppose ? hard tym lol.
esp with my fats :X he sent me home after that. hahahs i miss him =)
haven't completed my homeworks due tmr :O i've been a lazy piggie lately. HAHA. oh wells this is natalie u see.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
ENTRY : just the girl.
cause she's bittersweet ~woke up ltr than expected ? ahahs prepared nd all to go to darling's house. he was still so sleepy haha ! piggie :X so we slept for awhile. then left at noon to go studying with shir at tamp =)
OMGG I HAD A PERVERT STANDING BESIDE ME IN THE CROWDED SBS BUS ?! i had a hard tym can. he kept trying to touch me x( super sicko bastardd. molester lahh. when the bus turned or jerk, he purposely moved his arm near me. then so his hand would briskly rub past my butt/thigh lah ? goodness me i felt disgusted nd shocked. i had to stare at him with the "what the hell you doing" look, but he didn't seem to care. then when he saw me looking at the empty sit, he went to sit first, so i went to the back of the bus instead. but when he got down the stop before mine, he turned around to look into the bus straight at me ! EEEYER. he's spotted as a middle-age guy, having keys hooked out in the middle of his butt, carrying an old nd black briefcase nd white plastic bag. be careful ppl :S
bumped into jaslyn nd geraldine at tm too. we three brought along our KAPPA bags ? -smiles. then left to eat
yoshinoya for lunch with shir, yumyums ! oh we had a very long chat tgt hahas. spent the next few hours at
HAN'S with out cake nd tart too ! took super funny videos :DD ehehehhehs. even at macs ! shaker fries are effing good pls [: HOT STUFF. thanks girl for the wonderful tym out today ! it isn't black for once alryte ? =D oh wells you know what, i only 'attempted' to do emath ppr 2 nd read half of biology guide. lol !
came home early nd family was alrd at home. then marmi totally didn't see me walk in the house at all ! wth mann. until i went out of the room to the toilet just now, she scolded me for coming home ltr than that ? she's madd pls. totally weird woman ): make me so upset only.
i still love ben (: hahas. many many.
Friday, April 14, 2006
ENTRY : kisskiss-
thursdaythe air stewardess living in my block is so charming pls ? hahah my mood gotten better that morning after she smiled at me :DD my heart melted at that spot i tell you. lol ! school's pretty normal except when mr tan yelled at us :\ he's becoming worse hahas. then jayne, geraldine nd i ate at
HAN'S after school. i'm a fatfatty heh.
todaywent for church service with jaslyn this noon. was so different, nd weird ! right jaslyn ? hahahs. bought
corn milk drinks nd our
soon kueys ! yum yumms. met up with geraldine nd jayne at ws. oh we were busy cutting each others hair in the toilet lah ? HAHA. such an experience xD but aww. my hairs damaged alrd. then went to tamp nd bought our nyce bags ! the germany nd brazil ones. for once a strike off my list (: we are happy child(s) for now heehees. OH IM BROKE. ride down to compass point for study tym ! ate alot of bread from
breadtalk nd
four leaves :X the carbohydrates intake as excess will turn to fats lahh. i miss shaker fries though - the hott thing :DD ahah.
looking stupid carrying such a BIG plastic bag nd 3 heavy bottles of coke light at all tyms :X goodness gracious it's madness pls.
meeting darling tmr morning at his home ! hees. it's been awhile alrd. then studying with shir during the afternoon till evening =) hope my plans won't be out-ruined by my mother ? she kept nagging at me urghs. i'm annoyed for the fact that my room's taken up today by two relatives tonight ): I WANT MY ROOM LAH hmpfs.
MOMO : marmi i love you ! hahahs don't be so saddened okays. smile ! (:
GOGO : it's always fun t have ur company girl ! hehes. tk care alrytes. nd go t the esplanade again soon =)
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
ENTRY : push the button x
didn't go to the warehouse sale with sister on sunday since she said it was pathetic ? ahahs. went for church nd tuition, then met up with shir for lunch at
HAN'S before going for geog prog meetup with jaslyn, geraldine, beefy nd jayne (: the esplanade is such a
huge place that i almost got lost haha. unfortunately, we couldnt stay long in the library as
they forbid the use of scissors. lol ? we decided to settle at the open area instead. nd supposedly a good thing ! hehs. many talented dancers were having their individual or group practises. OMG. it was darnn nyce pls :DD I LOVE DANCE ! we were dumbfounded nd attracted by a particular group that were so close to us. lol. by around 2200 late at nyte, jaslyn geraldine nd i went to tamp macs for a quickie before heading home.
it would be so lovely to spend tym with a loved one, just walking around the esplanade tgt (: nd there'd be many chocolate shopps too ! sweet.i wasted money for cab fare on a monday morning hai. went to tamp with shir after school nd spent even more on prints, eyebrow shaping nd food ! oh my tiann hahahs. but we had a good tym tgt anw. took weight yesterday during P.E :X im becoming a serious fatfat ! sighs. then again tamp after school, this tym with geraldine, jaslyn nd jayne. quite embarrassing ?! they dragged me into gio :X darling was inside, i have no more face. lOl. then we went to see the bowling bags at isetan (= prettaye ! ahah. planned to get them tgt ehehehhehs. so you know, A NEED TO SAVE YET ONCE MORE * oh we ate at pastamania too ! yumyumms. after which they bought new shoes before headingto ws macs nd home.
had pft 5 items today afternoon :\ 2.4km run results out too, i'm kind of lousy alrd.
- 2.4km run (33rd position in lvl ; 13:39)
A- sit-nd-reach (48cm ; 49cm)
A- incline pull-ups (18 tyms)
A- shuttle runs (13:48s ; 11.3s)
A- sit-ups (41 tyms)
A- standing broad jump (150cm ; 171cm)
B/Cfriends. this is how they treat you, being hypocrites nd bitching behind your back. i guess you're still the same self. i was so foolish enough to always be nyce to you
three especially. but now, what the hell ? i don't feel lyk saying much anyway. shut up nd get lost. sometyms, your sights just
peeves me off.
so sadd. ): today wasnt really a nyce day for me ya ? its hateful nd blackk. thanks to jaslyn, jayne, shir nd jon for making me quite
smiley though (: haha. jayne, melody, jaslyn nd i went ws macs after it all ended. just read my notebooks nd talked crap all the way. ND WE ATE LYK PIGGIE ! haha, right jaslyn ? :X oh yes, must improve our singing abilities as well lol ! cannot let geraldine & jayne win us ah. hee.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
ENTRY : fling-
daddy didn't want to go to church with me because he knew it was gnna bore him >:( frowns. hahah. he just drove me there nd left me to my friends. i was so very late ! then they embarrassed me. OH MY TIANN. almost everyone turned to the back of the room to look at me as i went forward :X the talks. the sharings. the breaks. everything ended by about 5 ? then jaslyn, chu wen nd me went to tamp ! hees.
waved at patricia at giokids :DD hehes the pretty ladyy. nd saw my darling as well ! (: then we went to grab some food nd walk a short while, after which they had to leave alrd. so i walked by myself :\ it wasn't that bad u know. hmms. got denyse something since i found it prettaye ahahs. there was this huge sale at mini toons too ? all the
kiasu aunties were trying to get good deals lol. typical of them. then met with darling for awhile during his break. i miss him so very muchh haha. but tym passed fast.
proj will be done tmr i guess ? but i have other planned schedules as well :\ sister needs me. shirleen needs me. i need myself back ): sighs.
im falling in love with these songs : JJ's hui you na me yi tian ; Delta Goodrem's lost w/o you ; Wang Li Hom's kiss goodbye.
it's been a week alrd. seemed lyk 8243597612 days lOl.
oh found this from beefy's blog ! was just browsing through blogs u see =D quite interesting.
October 16 - 27 ~ Turtle
If you are a Turtle: You are near to perfect and nice at heart. The examples of your kindness are always circulated in groups of people. You, too, love peace. You wouldn't like to retaliate even to a person who is in the wrong. You are loved due to this. You do not wish to talk behind one's back. People love the way you always treat them. You can give, give and give love, and the best part is that you do not expect it back in return. You are generous enough. Seeing things in a practical light is what remains the best trait of you guys.
last sunday i was out with darling after church nd tuition :DD met into girlfriend ! cindy was busy with ahem lol. then went to watch ben nd kw play pool. after that they met the others :\ da ge wasnt wearing black ! hohos. all guys :X so it was quite awkward i guess ? so he sent me home. hahas.
gave my juniors their swirly lollipops on monday since sec4s need not go for cca alrd. hoped they lyk it yeah =) then went off to study with cindy at macs. tuesday was legion meeting as usual. more nd more juniors makes the place livelier ? ahah. then went to study with jaslyn nd geraldine on wednesday evening till late.
doodled on jaslyn's writing pad ! heehees fow fun eh, geraldine ? *beams. physics lessons in the lab with kim on thurs was fun pls ! fooled with the magnets hohos. had another tym of studying of amath nd planning of geog proj on thurs afternoon till late with jaslyn, geraldine, jayne. cindy joined us ltr (: but somehow ytd, dodo mr tan postponed the test.
had my
MT orals nd
2.4km run done with. i feel quite relieved now (: esp the run which was just ytd ? thought i'd do the worse, but wasnt too bad in the end lahh. still the top
10 in class hee. then went to tamp with shir for some walks with our bubble teas ! met into sacians too. maybe shouldnt have drank ice cold drinks ? had darn bad cramps ah. sigh. OH YES. we saw prettaye earrings nd all. sweet ! did i mention this. on our way to the interchange, we tried to speak the
ahlian language ! HAHAH super funny pls. it's lyk they only use it for msgs but not say it in real life ? hohos so retarhded xP
shir i lubb you worxXz ! lubb staR worRxXz (star wars lol ?!)
gnna go church with daddy ltr ! some parent talks for confirmation preparation supposedly :Z eeyer. don't lyk hahah. oh how about our proj meeting today ..? gosh.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
ENTRY : bottled glitter.
so many many tests the past week >:( i don't think i'm gnna do well. sighs. need to complete my homeworks too. i brought home all my thick, bulky textbooks home on friday as well ! last band practise we had tgt. took some pictures shown below (some i look
weird so i didn't upload lol) ! you can view it bigger by clicking on the image, then magnify again HAHA. anyhoos, there was pop (passing out parade) on friday evening (: nd OMGG ! we're all promoted hehs. but im only a sergant :\ not staff sergant. saddening but nvm lahh. a surprise our fhorn section got the 'best section' award. hahas i'm proud for all of us. we must go for our section outing soon alrytes ? spend the $60 haagen daaz voucher ! yum yums :DD
// top from left : lydia carina me fiona clarissa bottom from left : cheryl rebecca samantha.
// pointing ! lols.
// from left : fiona rebecca me cheryl with our fhorns [:
// seniors after pop (passing out parade) but sam's missing ! we with our yumyum voucher xD
// where's sec1s ? hahahs. see MY FATS :\ we're happy section !
HAPPY APRIL FOOL'S DAY !oh my tiann. i got fooled by people today ahahs. i'm so gullible :X it's like first thing in the morning i was woken up by da ge's sms nd i got a shock ? fancy that lol. the two juniors, lydia nd carina pranked me too ! oh my. then we had quite a long conference chat thru the fone with them laughing all the tym (: oh wells. hmm, got angry with my marmi too ! hmpfs. firstly, complaining about me using my fone. after that, she dragged the tym nd in the end, i couldnt go out as planned >:( hai.
tmr. i'm unsure yet ): i have churchh nd tuition. then i wanna go shopping. but there are other plans as well ? gf. darling. nd marmi says to collect my stuff tmr. goodness lahh. i have no idea which. schedules so packed. rarrrh.
I MISS BEN. HOW ? hahahah. :Z